Three years ago I ran a 5k with my two best friends in Saskatoon. It was a hell of a weekend and it did my soul a world of good. Organized by Cameco, the Step Up 5/10k run supports a range of mental health initiatives. With Covid-19 forcing us into isolation and virtual runs, it’s been a bit depressing we haven’t been able to get together and do the run as a team since that first time.
That said, there’s no better reason than that to sign up again, for the third time, and get out there and run to keep my mental health and that of my fellow Canadians top of mind.
Want to virtually run with me? You can register for the Step Up for Mental Health event online. Want to support mental health initiatives? I’d be grateful for any pledge you can make.
Stay tuned for updates – it’s been a long cold winter so it’s going to take a while to get back to 5k shape.