The Flock Project is Open Now

Stuck at home right now, but noticing there are things you’d like to change about our community? See a neighbour in need and want to help? Have you always had this great idea that you’ve wanted to try, but didn’t exactly have the know-how or the money to try?

The Flock Project is For You

The Flock project is designed for people like you. People who have ideas, want to help their neighbours, need some money and resources, and maybe would like some advice along the way.

The Flock Project is simple. You submit an idea for improving our community. The community votes. We pair the winner with some mentors in areas where they might need help, give them up to $3,500, and they make positive change!

Last Year The Flock Project Helped Healing Hooves

An animal therapy program designed to help seniors fight feeling of isolation, Healing Hooves used Flock Project resources to kick start an idea into a funded, sustainable, ongoing program in Leduc County.

This Year We Want to Help You

No idea is wrong, and no idea is too big. We want to hear from you! Project submissions are open now and voting begins on May 18, 2020.

Submit your idea here and let’s make positive change together!

The Flock Project

I have been volunteering on a steering committee that has created a program to support community development on a hyper-local level. It’s called The Flock Project. Have you heard of it?

Basic community economic development tells us to identify local challenges to success and then pool local talent and resources to overcome them, and that’s exactly what The Flock Project is designed to do.

Project applicants submit a project to the Flock web site, one that identifies a need in our community and a plan to address it, and the public votes on all of the submitted projects. Not only does the winner receive funding to implement their solution, they also receive free access to a group of talented mentors that will help with accounting, strategic planning, marketing, or any other identified gaps in skill in order to make the project successful.

If you’re an individual or organization that has an idea, and maybe think you need a little help, this is the opportunity you’ve been waiting for. Intake for the second flight of The Flock Project will open in the spring of 2020.

I’m passionate about The Flock Project because it offers local solutions to local problems while building tomorrow’s leaders.

I know there are lots of people with lots of great ideas. We’re looking forward to hearing them this spring!

What’s In the Library? August 29, 2019

New books added to the library this week include:

The Call of the Wild – for young readers
Jack London

Vinyl Cafe Diaries
Stuart McLean

And new books for young readers are now in the library!

Piglet is Entirely Surrounded by Water
A.A. Milne

Lego Star Wars: Anakin to the Rescue
Ace Landers

Lego Ninjago: Masters of Spinjitzu
Tracey West

Lego City: Catch That Crook!
Michael Anthony Steele

I Wanna Go Home
Karen Kaufman Orloff

First Day of School
Anne Rockwell